thankthatstar wrote in
Nov 03, 2009 23:15
action: shopping,
action: waiting patiently,
action: being a pure gentleman,
clothes: black shoes,
clothes: t-shirt,
taylor: has alot of patience,
face: get this over with,
clothes: body tight and wonderful,
taylor: is a sweetheart,
things we ♥: taylor in general,
location: an unknown store,
face: reflected,
clothes: black suits you,
things we ♥: his beautiful reflection,
holy shizz tay: your shoulders,
face: "she's lucky she's hot",
action: sitting,
hair: wonderful,
when will my reflection showwwww,
action: juggling keys,
face: why so srs?,
clothes: jeans,
it's a love story: babyjustsayyes,
hair: i wanna run my fingers thru it